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Welcome to our site home page!  

Our site menu bar will help you navigate to see the truck's menu, our calendar schedule, special events, pictures and more about NY Tom's.

Please bear with us as we continue site never ending development.

NYT's mission statement includes providing quality favorites served with fresh bread baked while you were sleeping the night before.  

It also part of our mission statement to serve you quickly.  To that end we set an internal service level agreement with the public to have time from order to serve/pay to be under one minute, or 59 seconds.

Lastly, we present reasonable pricing.  We are hoping to keep our pricing model based on daily volume sales.

New York Tom's Foodtruck is primarily a lunch and dinner operation, open to special event requests during afternoon and late evening opportunities.   Please check our calendar for where we will be...  and call NY Tom to book a special catering event. 

​New York Tom's Foodtruck 

Quality Food • Served Quickly • Reasonably Priced 

'23 was a good year, especially cuz we saw it OUT together !

Please be part of the NYT Farewell Tour in '24

NY Tom's final season as the 5 year plan hits it's 9th year


June 30    5-8 pm  Carondelet Park Concert Series

​July 4  5-9 pm

Concert and Fireworks at Kirkwood Park

July 19th  5-8pm

Fenton Foodtruck Friday

1215 Larkin Williams Rd